Topic outline

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    A warm welcome to your 
    Introductory Course to International Project Management Course 

    DEMO-VERSION (Introduction and first UNIT Module - Communication Across Borders)

    This is an online course with no face-to-face interaction. Throughout the course you will be introduced to important areas of international project management. Every week you will get new content and language input with tasks to work on. Even though we do not meet in person you will find this course highly interactive.

  • Module - Introduction

    In this module you are introduced to the topic of international project management. In a case study elements of success in international project management are described. A listening task provides an insight into what business professionals find important when working internationally. The vocabulary focus is on the correct use formal and informal language and how it can be applied to the topics.

  • Unit 1: Introduction

  • Module - Communication Across Borders

    In this module you are introduced to three of the main tools for communicating across borders: writing, presenting and telephoning. The vocabulary focus is on the range of functional language for these areas. You are introduced to formal and informal language for business writing. In addition, you begin to build a project management glossary (collection of useful words with explanations of their meaning) with your peers.

  • Unit 2: E-Mail/Informal Writing

    unit 2