unit 2


Welcome to Unit 2!

At the end of this unit you will recognise:

  • Aspects of formality and informality in communication
  • Composition of typical e-mails
  • Main written communication forms for projects

At the end of this unit you will be introduced to:

  • Language of e-mails
  • Critical vocabulary of e-mails
  • Types and advantages of written communication forms
  • Typical errors in e-mail style non-native speakers may make

At the end of this unit you will have learned the following vocabulary and grammar topics:

  • Modal verbs

Those interested in learning more about e-mail/informal writing can visit:

Your homework tasks are:

  • Begin to build a glossary of project management terms
  • Discuss strange e-mails students have received which had a cultural awareness issue in a forum.
  • Watch a video on e-mail fails
  • Review modal verbs
  • Recognise appropriate phrases phrases in an e-mail
  • Recognise missing vocabulary in an e-mail

Have a good week!

Last modified: Thursday, 22 September 2016, 9:42 AM