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Discussion Forum

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Learning forums

Topic Forum Description Discussions
Activities & Resources - Communication Across Borders Your e-mail experiences

After having reviewed the unit content, and the video link in your homework section which details some of the "classic" e-mail errors, discuss with your classmates first, which errors Erik describes in his video . He chooses his friend, Dan to point out some typical errors.

Tips for conducting a successful presentation

Students have had the opportunity to listen to experts' opinions on what makes a successful project presentation. View this slideshow on simple tips for developing better presentations.

Based on the audio you...

Discussion: Tips for conducting a successful teleconference

Based on the information provided in the unit, discuss tips for a successful teleconference. Comment on at least one tip and state why you find it useful. Also, add more tips that have not been given yet.

Post your statement to the forum and reply to at least one post from a classmate.

To post ...