1. Watch the video on how photovoltaic cells produce electricity.

How do PV cells produce electricity - Video

2. Complete the visual quiz by dragging the items into their correct position.

Photovoltaic power visual - Quiz

3. Review the past tenses document to refresh your tense knowledge.

Explanation of past tenses - Handout

4. Complete the past tense quiz to check your understanding of the tense.

Past tenses - Quiz

5. Read about grid connected solar systems to expand your knowledge.

Grid direct solar systems - Reading comprehension

6. Review the use of adjectives and adverbs to refresh your knowledge.

Explanation of adjectives and adverbs - Handout

7. Complete the adjectives and adverbs quiz to test your knowledge.

Adjectives & Adverbs - Quiz

8. Review the description of simple sentence structure.

Explanation of Simple Sentence - Handout

9. Read about non-grid solar power to expand your knowledge.

Non-grid solar power - Reading comprehension

10. Complete the quiz from your reading comprehensions to test your knowledge.

Non-grid solar power- Reading comprehension quiz

Zuletzt geändert: Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2014, 16:11