1. Refresh your knowledge of note-taking. This skill is not only useful for our course but for any course you take at university.

Introduction to listening and note-taking skills - Handout

Videos: Note-taking skills

2. Review how vocabulary is built from word stems.

Vocabulary building - Handout

3. Watch a video for a comprehensive overview of project management vocabulary.

Top 10 Terms Project Managers Use

4. Review the document to get information on formal and informal language.

General overview of formal and informal language use

5. Listen to an interview with business professionals about project management.

Audio: Intro - What does international project management mean to you?

6. Test your understanding of the interview with a matching quiz.

Quiz: Interviews - What does international project management mean to you?

7. Listen to English instructors taking about project management.

Audio: General questions - English team

Last modified: Sunday, 25 September 2016, 3:25 PM